8 Signs You Need to Repair Your Home Heating System

HVAC grid installed near window

Your house’s heating system needs to be working properly to keep your house warm and comfortable in the colder months. If the heating system is in good shape, it should have no issue keeping your house at a good temperature.

When it’s cold in your home, or you begin to notice some concerning symptoms, it’s not something to be ignored.

This blog will delve into eight warning signs of something wrong with your heater.

There are three types of heating systems; a furnace, a boiler, and a heat pump. Every type of heating system needs to be running smoothly and safely. A faulty Heating system can cause higher utility bills and dangers such as fires or gas leaks.

The best way to avoid any need for Heating repair is to request routine maintenance from a trusted technician. A well-maintained furnace will be much more likely to keep you warm in the winter.

Should you attempt to repair your heating system, or is it time to replace it? Below we will cover the most common signs that you need to repair your heating system and tell you when to think about replacing it. The experts at Crandall will be able to aid you with any Heating Repair.

1. Cold Air in Your Home

If your heating system is running, you shouldn’t feel cold air in your home. It can be extremely frustrating to turn up the heat and still feel like shivering. This cool air may be because the heating system has trouble balancing the temperature throughout your home. 

It could also be due to damaged ductwork. We recommend calling a professional to inspect your ducts to avoid more damage or leaks. 

Even around windows and doors, the temperature should be fairly consistent. You may need to upgrade the heating capacity of your furnace. Ask a professional to determine how suited to your home your furnace is.

To restore the toasty air in your home, call a professional.

Poor Air Quality

The heating system could be the issue if you’ve been sneezing. A faulty furnace is capable of releasing contaminants, bacteria and dust. Keeping your air filters clean and replacing them after 1-3 months will help with this issue. If you’re concerned about air quality, the safest option is to ask a professional to restore the air quality.

Because you only use your heating system for a portion of the year, the dormancy will allow dust and debris to build up by winter rolls around. You may notice a brand new layer of dust in the air when you first turn on your heating system.

If the dust does not go away after a thorough cleaning, the system’s components have become rusted, and you may need a heating system repair.

Heat-Cycling Issues

If the heating system is well-maintained, the fan should only be running when it needs to reach the right temperature. A heating cycle occurs when the fan blows air to reach a correct temperature. Short-cycling is when the cycle isn’t long enough to keep the temperature constant.

If the heating is insufficient and the heating cycle doesn’t warm your home enough, you may have a failed compressor. Call a professional for Heating Repair to restore the warmth in your house.

However, a heating system that constantly operates for long periods without turning off is also a sign that you need the fan won’t turn off; this is an issue too because it will waste energy and blow hot air into your home.

If the system does not stop running, you may heed to clean the furnace or replace it. These cycling issues can also be due to thermostat malfunctions or electrical issues.

Frequently Adjusting Thermostat

If you have to keep getting up to turn the heat higher and higher, you may be having issues adjusting the thermostat too much. Your furnace cannot keep up with a warmer temperature, and every time you adjust the thermostat, the heating system has to work harder. This cycle is an unfortunate waste of energy for you to be cold in your house.

Adjusting the temperature on the thermostat is normal as the weather changes outside throughout the day.

But any more adjustments than that, and you may need to look for heating repair or maintenance. 

The thermostat itself may be the problem, and it may be time to change the batteries. If the thermostat seems faulty, call a technician to inspect it. 

Concerning Noises

It’s normal to hear noises while your furnace runs, but it should never interfere. Suppose the furnace starts making disturbing noises like bangs, booms or humming. In that case, they are usually a warning sign of a serious issue within the furnace.

You may be able to pinpoint the issue yourself if you have some experience with HVAC systems, but usually, it’s faster and safer to ask a professional for advice.

Scary noises can represent any number of dangerous problems such as broken hardware, leaks or electrical issues, so make sure a professional troubleshoots the noise as soon as you notice it. 

You may need to prepare for some heating repair or replacement in the worst-case scenario.

Excess Moisture

You turn up the temperature to add more heat, not more humidity. If your furnace is adding excess moisture, it’s not normal, and something is very wrong with your furnace. 

You may notice beads of water on your glass windows or doors. Immediately turn off the heat and call a technician to avoid extreme damage to your furnace.

Expensive Power Bills

High energy and utility bills are concerning enough, but did you ever consider they may rise every winter due to an inefficient furnace? The furnace works harder throughout the winter months when maintenance or replacement could save you hundreds of dollars.

Compare your energy bills during the winter months over the past 3 or 4 years. If you notice a gradually rising energy bill each year, it’s time to call someone in. 

You can save your wallet and the planet by saving all the extra fuel that the older furnace is burning. 

Unpleasant Odors

One of the more upsetting signs that you need to repair your heating system is the presence of foul smells. Much like scary sounds, smells can be warning signs of issues within the HVAC system.

If the smell is musty, it may signal bacteria growth in your furnace. Bacteria grow if there is too much excess moisture over a long period. 

Bacteria can be dangerous for people to inhale, and it’s important to inspect your furnace for any unwanted growth. Technicians can safely rid the furnace of mold or bacteria to restore your home’s air quality and keep your family comfortable and healthy.

Replace Your Heating System with Crandall

Unfortunately, even the best HVAC system has a lifespan. If your furnace is older than ten years, it may be time to start thinking about a replacement to get the most out of your heating system. Often it’s an old furnace that’s to blame for outrageous energy costs since older models have to work twice as hard to keep your house warm. 

Continue to use the older system, and eventually, it will give out, and then you’ll have to face emergency replacement.

Use this list of warning signs to prepare and call the experts at Crandall to inspect your furnace today. Avoiding any emergencies or maintenance needs will ultimately be less efficient and more expensive in the long run.

If you require locally trusted Heating Repair or heating replacement, request Air Conditioner Maintenance in Greenville, South Carolina, with Crandall by filling out our online form or calling us here.

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